Dedicated to the Protection of Honeybees and all Pollinators
The Westminster Bee Club is dedicated to the protection of honeybees and all pollinators by providing education to the general public as well as backyard beekeepers. We have regular meetings to discuss the plight of honeybees. We are a non-profit organization and we support our parent company, The Colorado State Beekeeping Association (CSBA). We are also partnered with Bee City USA – Westminster to provide voluntary public education about the plight of pollinators in Westminster, CO and throughout Colorado.
Our Standley Lake Apiaray
The Standley Lake Apiary has a lot to offer our club members, the art of beekeeping, including 2 large native bee houses. Our club hosts and maintains several apiaries around Westminster, which include several traditional Langstroth hives and top bar hives. We also host several native nee houses and have practiced harvesting summertime leaf cutter bee cocoons. Native bees maintain a healthy population within close proximity to our honeybee hives and live in harmony.
Committees & Chair Managers
Standley Lake Apiary Hive
Managers: Gregg McMahan, Julie Madigan, Heather Thompson, Tammy Hovey
West View Rec Center Hive
Managers: Lorna McCallister
Rocky Mountain Metro Airport Hive
Managers: L. Eric Smith; Erica Smith
Media & Marketing Committee
Managers: Ashly Quibodeaux; Lorna McCallaster; Kristen
Fundraising Committee
Managers: Ashly Quibodeaux
Education and Outreach Committee
Managers: Chet Collet
“I am interested in creating better forage and less pesticides for all pollinators, but my interest is in honey bee husbandry.”
– L. Eric Smith, Pres. CSBA